Well here we are rolling well into February and still lots of snow!
We have been having a ton of fun in all this snow! We have an awesome toboggan hill we have been spending lots of time on along with doing many sensory, baking and crafts! Our days are packed with fun and playing as we strive to provide the best program we can for the children in our care! Remember as always to keep sending that outdoor gear, extra clothes and labeled items!
Please remember to keep your children home when they are sick- this helps stop the spread of infection. We value everyone’s health and try to keep germ sharing to a minimum which is hard when you’re little! So if you’re little one is showing signs- allow them the time they need to feel better!
Who is your back up care person? Do you have one? This person is someone you can call when your children are sick and you still need to be at work. This is vital in your support system. It helps ease the stress when your children are ill and shouldn’t be at daycare and the parents are still required to go to work.
We value our outside play! We go outside in all weather- please make sure your children have warm outdoor clothing that is waterproof! Layers is always great as the weather changes so much- little fleece sweaters are great to add under outdoor wear when its extra chilly- You can always label and leave in your child’s cubby! Mittens!! Little finger ones and waterproof ones- the children tend to switch depending on the activity they are engaging in.
As always- LABEL- LABEL- LABEL!!! You can buy a whole booklet with your child’s name on these cute little stickers for so much cheaper than it is to replace all the things that go missing! Labels can be washed etc… They are durable! We put them on coats, shoes, mittens, sweaters, lunch boxes, containers, you name it and it can be labeled!! Labeling your things helps you get all your items back and helps the educators be able to return these items!!
I’ve found the best prices and variety at www.emilypress.com/bbmunchkins we also have a fundraiser set up there too- if you choose to order from here- just put in our school “Blind Bay Munchkins Childcare”
We require that children are dropped off before 9:00 am- this is beneficial to the children and the educators. Our programming is well on its way by 9:00 am, we have specifically planned out our routines & activities of the morning so children benefit from the programming that has been developed around their interests and routines. It is disruptive to the group when they are engaging in an activity and children are being dropped off late or having a hard time transitioning into the group. The educator is then not able to give her full attention to either child– a child who may be having a hard time transitioning— or the group that is engaging in a planned activity–. This situation isn’t ideal for anyone.
The morning (7:30 am to 8:30 am) is ideal and set up for educators to be able to help with children transitioning in to the program. Activities in the early morning are set up with this in mind. They are flexible and an educator is not essential for children to partake in them.
We understand that sometimes things go unplanned but on the regular please be mindful of everyone in the program and plan to arrive by 8:30 so that YOUR CHILD can benefit from all their day has to offer.
Child care is essential for most families that need to work- but remember your children are thriving from their day to day activities!
The first 5 years of development are the most critical in a child’s brain.
Children who attend child care tend to have better communication skills, problem solving skills, enthusiasm for lifelong learning, ability to follow direction and work independently. Just to name a few!!
We strive to offer high quality child care that meets the needs and developing minds of the children in our care.
As always we are closed at 5:30pm- we should be able to lock the doors at 5:30 as everyone should be on their merry way home! Please be mindful of everyone and pick up your children before closing. Daycare is hard work and just as you are excited to go home from work- your child(ren) is too- they are excited to kick back and share their day with mom and dad.
Please use caution on the driveway and walking up to the center- it has been very icy!
Please note our days of closure that are posted at the center. Family day weekend is coming up and there are some great activities you and your family can join in on!
We hope that you all enjoy this time with your loved ones! We live in an amazing area to get outside and enjoy being active as a family!
Love those around you and know that we are so grateful to have such an amazing group of children that we love spending time with.
We love all their ever curious minds and developing a program that engages them fully.